50 Days of 40 Minutes.
I’ve been writing for 40 minutes every morning for 50 days.
Fred Wilson has written 8,033 blog posts. I read his post on his 15th anniversary of AVC and decided a few days later to attempt to write once a day publicly, to see how it felt. My grandfather years ago had told me to start keeping a journal, and I had already developed a practice of writing a fair amount in the mornings for myself, but blogging is different. The 40 minutes in the morning, where I try to articulate how I feel about things, has become my morning Sudoku, it is a puzzle to piece together every morning and it’s something I look forward to.
It’s not always easy.
People seem to think that topics would be difficult to find after a certain amount of time. Topics are easy, assessing my interest in finding the answer is harder. If I am going to spend 40 minutes on a subject and search for the answer, I want it to be something I am curious about or entertained by.
I’m sure everyone is different, but I found that it was helpful to write out loose topics for each week. “Unsolicited advice on Friday, Something SciFi on Wednesday…” It’s given me a structure toward thought in specific subjects. It helps narrow my curiosity on specific days, it has also helped categorize where I am most interested to find answers.
My grammar is bad, and for some reason I have misspelled more words with spellcheck than I thought possible, but for me, getting the ideas on paper has been incredibly helpful to my work, and my world.
I guess this post is more of a thank you to Fred Wilson’s 15 years. It inspired me to try.
Problems I encountered while writing for 50 days:
The service to use. I had to switch mid way through.
Caring less about the number of people following me, and more about answering questions I wanted to ask myself.
Having two kids who wake up sporadically during my 40 minutes of writing 🙂
By Adam Draper
I ponder as a VC.
It's a quick one minute read to make you think, smile, or laugh.
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