When energy is given, you get two fold.
The world is made up of energy, and that energy transfers in different ways. I think of it like magnets. Everything is a push or a pull, there is infinite energy between the pushing and the pulling. There is a natural energy relationship between all things. There is a force that keeps the moon in a natural balance around earth, and the earth in a natural balance around the sun. Just the right amount of giving and taking of energy. The infinite push and pull balance.
Humans are the same way. We are wandering around trying to find our balance with people. One of the most important things I look for in meetings is whether I have more energy after a meeting or less. Was the meeting energizing (meaning they gave energy), or was it draining (they took energy). Energy is given in different ways, I donβt think the energy charge I get from a meeting will do the same for others, but just being cognizant of what empowers my energy has been a great practice.
There is a network effect to being a giver of energy. If you give people energy, the positive impact might not be immediate, but it modifies their lens for the rest of the day. Your next meeting goes better, the sun shines brighter, the world evolves with your every move. I find positive meetings to be magical, I get tunnel vision and achieve a flow state.
An important point to make is that when energy is being given, I believe itβs being given both ways, so itβs a 2x network effect, itβs not that one person is taking the energy and one person is giving.
In your meetings throughout the day, try to figure out what triggers you to have more energy out of a meeting or conversation. What can you do to help someone else get more energy. How can you change their lens, the pay back for this is infinite. Have 2x the energy forever. Be a beacon of energy everywhere.
By Adam Draper
I ponder as a VC.
It's a quick one minute read to make you think, smile, or laugh.
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