Fitness. A Killer App for VR.
People generally ask what VR is good for, here are some of the immediate use cases.
The main use case that everyone talks about for Virtual Reality is gaming. For better or worse, Boost VC chose a long time ago not to invest in content, so gaming has never been a part of our VR investment thesis. Our thesis has been driven by Education and Social, however in the last year we noticed a trend that anyone who was sharing about VR on social media would say something like:
“I just lost 15 pounds playing Beatsaber.” or “BoxVR has helped me start good habits for fitness.”
BOXVR Trailer
Virtual Reality hits a new demographic of people who want to get fit. Going to Equinox is hard to take time out of your day to get to, or any gym for that matter, and if you have never spent time working out - the friction point of a gym is not knowing how anything works and being judge. VR is a jump point for fitness. I LOVE IT.
I have worked out infinitely more in VR in the last 6 months than in a gym.
I would keep an eye on this trend, and if you are wanting to get fit this year, you should buy an Oculus Quest. The first all in one headset.
We are investors in FitXR and YUR, two companies capitalizing on this trend.
By Adam Draper
I ponder as a VC.
It's a quick one minute read to make you think, smile, or laugh.
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